38141 profiles available
Software Developer
I’m a Certified Qt and QML Developer. I’m fluent in C++ and Python.I have experience working in Linux (server and embedded). I can automate GUI application and website using Autoit and Selenium.
Admin & Customer Support Assistant
Polished, professional Customer Support Assistant offering:
· Eight years of experience providing customer support in busy call center environments for public utility and software industry employers.
· An unwavering commitment to customer service, with the ability to build productive relationships, resolve complex issues and win customer loyalty.
· Strategic-relationship/partnership-building skills — listen…
Data Entry and Data Analysis
I do data entries and analysis for your need.
Tutor, Musician, Piano Teacher, Choir Director
computer secretarial and office management/ IT
আমি ফটোশপ, লোগো ডিজাইন, ফটো এডিটিং ও ওয়ার্ড প্রেস এবং টি-শার্ট ডিজাইন এর কাজে পারদর্শী।
তাছাড়া আমি টেকনিক্যাল সাপোর্ট হিসেবে বাংলাদেশ নির্বাচন কমিশন, জেলা সার্ভার স্টেশন, বান্দরবান এ কর্মরত আছি।
Date entry expert
fundamentals of computer skill microsof office
MERN Stack, React Native Developer
I have more than 3 years experience in Software Industry and having more than 2 years experience in Cross Platform Mobile Development(React Native) and 3+ years experience in MEAN stack and MERN stack developement. I am expert in following technologies
React Native
React JS
Angular 2+
Node JS
Express JS
In my React Native projects, I mostly use Redux as a state management system. And also familiar with most of navigation like…
Customer Service and Sales
What makes me different? Well, Working from home is actually new to me .I Only have less than 8 months of experience. I may not have the perfect skills and, I know it’s hard since there’s a lot of people out there that have better skills than I am, but I’m thirsty to learn and gain experience. As I’ve been working in the BPO industry for almost 3 years now, I learned how to be a tech support, customer service…
Sales & Marketing
I’m available for any project with my mentioned skills